- Time control: 3d+1d<5d Started: 23-Oct-08, Ended: 11-Nov-08 Result: 0-1, black won (white resigned)
This is one of my most memorable endgame - where winning a won game is the most difficult. Move 26 was the blunder that cost the game. Not sure why capturing the pawn and check on Move 18 was not played.
- - - This is my first online tournament - good fun. Unfortunately, I only completed 4 games with 2 timeouts in the first round. The following 2 are the more interesting games.
Time control: 2 days per move Started: 06-Oct-08, Ended: 15-Oct-08 Result: 1-0, white won (black resigned)
- Here Joseph made the mistake and losing the chance of forcing a draw. Below is where ginger63 turned down a draw offer to make the mistake that causes the game. -
Most memorable King's Gambit that got thrashed. One minor error exploded into disastrous quick loss. As this is a mini-tournament, there is another game below with Sparky10 as white where ginger63 suffers a similar fate.
Sicilian: OKelly variation e2 e4 c7 c5 g1 f3 a7 a6 - How it broke through the defense is memorable - The final move of bishop to attack the queen is the deal clincher -