Monday, October 26, 2009

Beautiful Finish

It has been a while where there is a spark. This game started quite drawish until the imbalance of king side and queen side attack.

61st GK tournament » Tournament
musicfan (1701) vs. ginger63 (1674)

Time control: 2 days per move
Started: 07-Sep-09, Ended: 16-Oct-09
Result: 0-1, black won (white resigned)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Shortest Win - 12 Moves

Opponent resigns after 12 moves - fierce attack on King Side but left homebase vunerable.

Perspicaz's mini-tournament (Verano 2009). » Mini-tournament
chesscrime (1799) vs. ginger63 (1719)

Time control: 7d+2d<15d
Started: 03-Jun-09, Ended: 15-Jul-09
Result: 0-1, black won

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Thursday, June 4, 2009

RRB endgame - pass pawn win

another beautiful st attack followed by pass pawn endgame win. Hard win.
Time control: 3d+1d<5d
Started: 29-Apr-09, Ended: 03-Jun-09
Result: 1-0, white won (black resigned)

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RK endgame - a tough fight to win

The game started fairly closed and then after several exchanges, I am a pawn behind. The pawn structure was not symmetrical and I manage to exploit the positional advantage to advance the pass pawns to end with a win.
Time control: 3 days per move
Started: 28-Mar-09, Ended: 31-May-09
Result: 1-0, white won (black resigned)

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Friday, May 15, 2009

RR vs RKB endgame

I was checkmated in an earlier game - a worthy opponent who turned down a draw offer. Very engaging and enjoyable fight till the end. It went from even materials to RR vs RKB to Q vs QK to finally P vs PK.
Time control: 3 days per move
Started: 03-May-09, Ended: 14-May-09
Result: 1-0, white won (black resigned)

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

good endgame played

Narrow win with one pass pawn - invited friend for my first Info-Scout tournament

Time control: 3d+1d<5d
Started: 06-Mar-09, Ended: 13-Mar-09
Result: 0-1, black won (white resigned)

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

shortest game - 18 moves to mate

Memorable Indeed
Time control: 3 days per move
Started: 11-Feb-09, Ended: 19-Feb-09
Result: 1-0, white won

queen vs 2 rooks

my highest rating win so far - good display of queen vs 2 rooks
Time control: 3 days per move
Started: 20-Jan-09, Ended: 11-Feb-09
Result: 1-0, white won

king side attack

Time control: 3 days per move
Started: 21-Jan-09, Ended: 09-Feb-09
Result: 1-0, white won (black resigned)

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

go for the king - after building up material advantage

This is memorable as my opponent races to queen his pawn, I build up a trap for the king.

Time control: 3 days per move
Started: 04-Jan-09, Ended: 01-Feb-09
Result: 1-0, white won (black resigned)

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

looks like a mess - brillant attack once uncluttered

This game started off with White looking cramped up but as it un-clutters and counter-attack, Black flatters.

Time control: 3 days per move
Started: 06-Jan-09, Ended: 20-Jan-09
Result: 1-0, white won (black resigned)

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go for the king - not just advancing material advantage

Not settling for a material win, White wins with only combinational attack with Queen, Bishop and Rook.

Time control: 3 days per move
Started: 04-Jan-09, Ended: 15-Jan-09
Result: 1-0, white won (black resigned)

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my longest game - 69 moves

A very good game of slowly building up the advantage bit by bit till the end game. My opponent was a persistent defender who never give up.

Time control: 3 days per move
Started: 30-Dec-08, Ended: 16-Jan-09
Result: 1-0, white won (black resigned)

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